The usage of online dating app has become triple of what it was in the year 2018

In the country India, usage of dating app was never a lot as people did not like it much. However, a google report has released the data that said dating apps users have increased with 40% this year as compared to last few years. And they are also expecting a rise in dating app company revenues in next few years, 5 to 8 years.

According to the market research, Tinder, OkCupid, Truly Madly are some of the leading apps in India which is making a big revenue every year.

On this, Taru Kapoor, the head of India business for Tinder and Match group said-

“Indian society has seen a rapid cultural evolution over the last decade, accelerated by the widespread access to technology, especially smartphones,”

“As education and financial independence levels among the youth, especially women, continue to rise, along with increasing digital penetration, we expect online dating to become more widespread as people seek to forge new relationships based on shared interests and compatibility,”.

Hence, it is going to be some big and important years for the dating app owners in next few years.

Match and Bumble Finally end their litigation on Patents

Tinder and Bumble are both in the race of competition to be the best dating app. Tinder owner Match Group LLC and the makers of competing dating app Bumble have recently jointly dismissed a Texas federal court case in which Match accused Bumble Trading Inc. of infringing its dating-app patents and trademarks.

Match sued Blumble which is created by former Tinder executives, for the infringement of the patents covering dating app technology, trademarks related to Tinder’s “Swipe” function, and trade dress in the app’s design. Bumble countered with accusations that Match engaged in fraudulent buyout negotiations with it.

In the month of April too, Match Accused Bumble that it is exploiting COVID-19 crisis to postpone the case.n

The parties’ attorneys have not yet responded to a request for more information about the dismissal. The court filing said the parties would dismiss all of the claims and counterclaims with prejudice.

Tinder to start global mode for their users

The famous dating app of India Tinder is planning to start the global mode for their users. It means that someone who is on Tinder can match their profile with anyone around the world easily.

For now, you only can date someone who is nearby. Tinder works with your GPS through which they track your current place and make a match with someone who is around you within some specific KM limit. But now, they are planning to make it for global mode so that people can date anyone irrespective of their place.

Along with this, they are also working on many other features and trying to launch with some improvements such as video calling and one to one chat reply. They are planning to make itbetter.

The feature of global mode is currently being tested by the team and soon it will be launched for all the users. The best part is that this feature will be launched for free of cost and hence people can easily use it without spending a penny.

New age dating rule here-

Are you aware of the dating rules of the new world? Well, by the term new world, we mean the world after COVID-19. Since Coronavirus outbreak happened and it has become a part of all our lives, it is crucial to be habitual of it and know what should be done and what not. So to make it clear and easy for you, we have come up with the list of new age dating rule you must know about. So let us get started.

1. Always use a mask

No matter how much you have spent on your upper lip and lipstick, you must not go out without a mask. It is essential now. Do not be insane by going out without a mask just to look cool. It will make you look nothing but an idiot.

2. Hand Sanitizer

Along with a mask, go on a date with a hand sanitizer always. You don’t have to carry a big one with you. A pocket one will also work. You should always carry a sanitizer so that you can clean your hands after a hand shake.

3. No kiss

If you think that you should kiss the person you are meeting on a first date, then it is a big no. You must not do it because it is not safe. Since you are not aware with the lifestyle of the person, you should not take a risk by kissing the person. Be careful all the time.

Cops used GAY dating app for finding the guilty

Dating apps are generally used for dating. But can you imagine that a dating app is used for finding the guilty? Well, it happened recently. Cops of India arrested five robbers for looting people they met via dating apps.

The robbers used to make friends and chat with them for fixing up a date and when they meet them, they used to steal their cash and other valuables.

The DCP said- “The gang has been involved in both direct robberies as well as those done via the app. They targeted homosexuals looking for a match. There could be over a dozen such people who have been robbed or duped by them but many have not come out to file complaints. After chatting with people on the app, the accused either sought a meeting at their place of choice or the target’s place or some other location. Once they personally met, they would rob the target and flee,”

They are now arrested and the cops took the help of the dating GAY app for finding the thieves.

Indeed, it was a shocking case and hence, people should stay safe while using a dating app online.

Best dating apps available in 2020

Are you looking for a dating app? A dating app can be a good app or a bad app for you depending on your usage and selection. There are so many apps available but if you want to choose the best app, then it is important to know which app is suitable for whom. There are many apps available and all these apps will be downloaded by anyone.

You can download any app of your choice but can you use the app the way you want to? Well, to know which app is good and which not, let us simply take a look here and check the app suitable for the specific type of people.

1. Bumble- Bumble is best used by confident women.

2.Tinder- If you are looking for a quick hookup, this app is best.

3.OkCupid- if you are not looking to pay, you can use this app for free of cost.

4. HER- This app is only suitable for lesbians, bisexual and queer women.

5. eHarmony- use this app if you are looking to get married.

6. Hinge- If you are looking for a serious relationship, go for this app.

7. Match- If you are comfortable in spending money, then you can use this app.

So these were some of the best apps available for suitable people. If you want to get your date ASAP, then use the app which is suitable with your goal.

During Covid, Hilly app is launched in china to help people in dating

Hily, a Las Vegas-based dating app will be now available in Japan, as per the announcement made by the company. This app has more than 16 million users. The main goal of the app is to provide facility for better communication to users.

“We know how hard it can be to start a talk or to come up with interesting talking points with a person that you’ve never met before. However, you have to be able to start or support a great conversation for things to go further. That’s why our app is all about quality and great communication. In times of social distancing, it became even more important,” says Hily’s Head of Business Development Halyna Virt.

With lots of easy features, it is expected that Hily will give better opportunities to the single of Japan to meet and get along. These have been the main reasons because of which half of the population of Japan is not able to find a partner, as per a government survey of 2019.

“We’ve run lots of tests, and we know that Hily’s features would be a perfect fit for Japanese singles. For example, we’ve noticed that Japanese singles love watching stories on the app. They do it at least two times more often than our other users. Our features will also come in handy to those who are busy with work or too shy to make the first move,” says Alex Pasykov, Hily’s CEO.

Will COVID-19 change the rules of dating forever?

Due to this new pandemic outbreak, people are not getting out of their houses. They are worried and locked at their homes only. Nobody is allowed to roam freely like they were. We all have to be inside and take care of ourselves.

It is indeed a situation which is very tough for all of us. But the question is, will it end?

And if it will end, then when will it be ended? The question is going in our minds since long and if we see news, we even see experts saying that it will not go ever and people have to accept it as a part of our lives.

But then the question is, for how long are we going to be locked at our homes? isn’t it a big thing to keep staying at our homes forever? Well, in such situation, the lockdown will get over and people will be out of their houses.

But not as freely as they were earlier.

There will be a mask and social distancing mandatory. And things like even dating will be going on like it used to be but with taking the safety measurements.

You all must be safe and secured. And if you can wait for this time to get over, your relationship will get stronger than ever.

So stay strong, stay at home.

Why there is a hike in the dating app users in the lockdown? Find out here

We all are in this situation where we can not go out even for work. Everything is digitalized and if we are into some job which can be done remotely, we will do it through the home only. It is a tough situation for all but people are also spending more time with their family, loved ones and children.

However, in this situation, divorce cases are getting filed too. Apart from this, people are also going for dating apps more and more. After researching on the same, it is because people are not happy with living together with their partners for all day long. They need space and that is why they are using dating apps.

Many people have stated that they can not be with their partner anymore and that is why they are using the dating apps so that they can talk to new people if not date them.

Let us know your comments over the same. Please share your views.

Here is how you can keep your dating ON even in COVID-19

Many of you must be depressed because you are not able to meet your partner during the lockdown. Indeed, it is a depressing thing. But meeting physically is the only way to meet somebody? Well, we can even meet people without meeting them physically. Thanks to the technology which keeps us all connected.

If you are not sure how to keep your dating game on, then here’s the tip through which you can still keep in touch with your partner and make it a virtual date.

So let’s get started with this idea of virtual date-

1. Always dress up

Even though you are not present physically, you must make some efforts and get ready and dress up nicely so that you both can see each other and have a feel like you are on a date.

Dressing up can never be so boring. So try to do your best and wear fancy clothes, put makeup if you want, make your hair and get ready for your virtual fancy and dreamy date.

2. Keep your feelings out

Just because you can not touch each other, you don’t have to keep your feelings in. You still can show what you feel to your partner by your messages, voice notes and talks.

Be vocal about your feelings and make each other feel special.

3. Cook with each other

If you are not together, you can do a video call and cook with each other live. It would be a great idea to keep you both engaged in each other.

So these were some of the tips. Let us know how you think about it and what is your take on your date.