Facebook has launched their dating app

Because of the pandemic outbreak, Coronavirus, you must be bored at home. But not anymore because Facebook is going to help you through the same. As we all know, Facebook is one of the leading social media platform where people talk and also make money by promoting their businesses. The app is a blessing for all of us.

Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of Facebook has also bought WhatsApp few years back and it is a platform where people can talk to each other. Due to the outbreak and the situation, now Facebook has launched their own dating app as well.

Yes, Facebook has launched their dating app and this dating app is for free of cost as expected. You only have to make your account and once you do that, you can talk to anyone you want to for free of cost. The app is already launched in more than 20+ countries however to make it available worldwide, it will take some time to make it available in the rest of the world.

While researching for the app, Mark Zuckerberg got a match with his wife’s friend which was indeed funny.

Due to Coronavirus, people are using dating apps more

Because of this pandemic outbreak, people are not coming out from their houses and is following the proper lockdown in order to be safe. Most of them are following the same and everyone is at home these days.

Because of the same, people are not able to meet new people which is effecting on their love life badly. And due to the same, they are more turning towards the dating apps. Recently in Australia, a famous dating app has told the same.

It reads- “Moves to lift geo-location restrictions (previously only available to premium users) are an exciting development for many because apps like Tinder and Grindr can be demoralising because they show you just how few people are available in your area.They’re suggesting what you could do instead of meeting up; how to video date and whether you should dress up for such a date.Given everyone’s routines have slowed they’re even sending tips on how many messages are too many in a 24-hour period.”

Indeed, it is a great step in order to be safe and protected towards the pandemic outbreak.

MuzMatch app adds Video calling feature

Due to the Coronavirus outbreak happening in the world, world is suffering and so as the businesses are. People are not able to work, not able to earn money, go to offices, and neither dating. It is a critical situation for all of us and due to this, the famous dating app MuzMatch app has added a feature of video call.

Earlier, the app were being used by people for texting and audio calling only. People did not have an option to use the video calling feature where they can talk face to face. The app is easy and is available for many regions. However, their users were switching to other apps due to lack of features.

But not anymore. You can still use the app as they have added this feature where you can do video calling for free of cost. So to be safe and secured, you need to stay at home and chat through dating apps and messenger apps that can keep you safe and entertained.

Online daters are spending more time in dating app- Says the owner

Due to the pandemic is there, singles are not sure how to date. Daters are basically talking more in the app and spending more time than ever.

On the same, the new chief executive of match group that owns Tinder and other online apps wrote a letter about the same. They wrote- In Europe, we’ve seen new subscriber declines of around 5% in aggregate since the crisis began, but in countries severely impacted by COVID-19, like Italy and Spain, we have seen more significant declines,” CEO Shar Dubey wrote. “In the U.S., the impact also depends on the level of cases in the region and varies by brand. For example, Tinder in New York State has seen low double-digit declines in new subscribers since the outbreak accelerated, but much of the rest of the country has held up much better.”

“As nearly every aspect of our lives is now conducted via video, singles are also becoming increasingly comfortable with video dates, and we are integrating video chat into our apps,” she wrote. “We have offered video chat features in the past and seen low usage, but we think this time user behavior is likely to change more permanently.”

Most of the traffic they are getting are from the countries that are affected the most and all of them are just having good time in talking.

Dating is possible during Coronavirus- says NYC Matchmakers

We all know that it is a high time when people should pay attention to their health and stay safe without going out. People should stay at their homes and be safe. Everyone knows it. Covid-19 outbreak has reached to more than 190 countries and people are scared. It is a pandemic which should be handled wisely. People should not come out from their houses and should keep washing hands.

So today, let us see the NYC Matchmaker tips during the COVID-19 outbreak

1- Do not go out for dates.

Even if you don’t go out for a date, it doesn’t mean that you can not date each other. You can simply use your home and places like garden for a date. One can simply make a dinner date at their home only which will be very safe at the same time.

2- Wash hands together

Why not to encourage your partner to do good things together? Whenever you have to go out for something or you touch something that can spread the virus, then it is advisable to wash your hands in order to stay safe. So simply wash your hands together.

3- Do facetime

If in case you are dating someone who doesn’t live with you, you can simply use the technology to keep in touch with each other. Call and facetime is something you can do in order to keep yourself in touch with the person.

Catch feelings Not Covid 19: project started for blind dating

During the Coronavirus pandemic, New York Millennials have found a new way to date, through video dating to maintain their social lives amid the stay-at-home order.

These dates are coordinated by a project called “NYC Virtual Dating: Catch Feelings, Not COVID.” This project was started in the beginning of March by Chelsea Mandel and Amanda Shane. The New York women had recently finished watching “Love Is Blind” on Netflix. She wanted to use their talents as social connectors to help the singles to meet their dates without any problem.

“New York is isolating in the first place, and now because of coronavirus, it’s beyond isolation,” said Shane, a social worker. “And in our tiny, tiny New York City apartments, the idea of no connections for months is terrifying.”

“People aren’t going out, they’re not meeting new people, they’re not going on dates,” said Mandel, who works in commercial real estate. “We just thought this was a great way to build human connections.”

The daters are required to fill out a Google Form questionnaire giving some details about themselves and what they’re looking for in a partner. The topics include hobbies, political affinity, religion and everything in between. Mandel and Shane use these answers to eliminate any deal-breakers and match up good fits.

Tips needed for dating in the times of Coronavirus outbreak? Read these

If you are also stuck due to the quarantine happened due to COVID-19, then you really don’t need to worry. We are here to share the best 7 tips that can help you in having a love life without fail.

1- Do not go out. You can always stay at home and talk to people.

2- Instead of going out for dates, why not to start dating online? You can keep in touch and have a video call, audio call instead.

3- Use texting for telling what you feel for each other instead of meeting.

4- Face time instead of meeting face to face. Do not go out and meet each other. Do face time.

5- Keep sending each other videos, audio clips and pictures to keep in touch.

6- Never ever stop talking because you can not meet. There are many people who do not prefer talking on call and that makes them staying away for each other. Do not do that.

7- Finally, this is a tough situation for everyone. Understand this thing and support each other. If you can help your loved ones through any way, please do that because that is needed the most. You must help your love because it is a tough situation and you need to stand together to fight against the same.

Women arrested for breaking the lockdown of Coronavirus to meet someone she met through dating app

Because of the coronavirus pandemic going on in world, people are locking down their country and nobody is allowed to go out from their homes. However, a women from Spain broke this rule and went out to meet someone she met via dating app and hence, she got arrested.

The women got stopped by the police offers in the city of Ctalonia on Saturday night. According to a famous news paper, she was coming back from meeting the man and was on her way to home. However, she got arrested by the cops.

The police force, The mossos d’Esquadra tweeted about the same. They said that the women broke the rule just because she wanted to meet someone she met online. The police said-

She was detained for violating the mandatory confinement as well as resisting and disobeying the “stay home” agents.

Spain has also announced a state of emergency and complete lockdown on March 14th and is not allowing anyone from any country to come to their country.

Due to the outbreak and the damage, it got extended till 11 April. However, it was intended to last for 15 days only.

Tinder passport for free until 30th april,2020

Tinder is a dating app we all are aware of. And recently, on Friday, the app has announced their passport feature which will let the user to connect with anyone and everyone in the world. And it will be available for free of cost till April 30th.the company has launched this feature because of COVID-19.

The company said- “As an area becomes more affected by physically-isolating measures, we see new conversations happening there and those conversations last longer. This epidemic is also changing the tenor of connection in the hardest-hit places. More people are using Tinder bios to show their concern for others (‘how is everyone’) instead of their life motto,”

Our hope is that our members can use the Passport feature to transport themselves out of self-quarantine to anywhere in the world. They can check in on folks in their hometown, college town, or sister city, and find those across the world who are going through the same things. And if nothing else, they can learn how to say “hey” in another language,” they added.

They have launched the feature which could be great for people to kill their boredom and connect with people from the world easily. Let us see how people will find it.


Due to Covid 19, Datings apps are introducing Video chats

Last year a dating App, League introduced the video chatting, when it was odd for all. But seems like League has an idea that its feature would help the users in the Corona Pandemic. The app is known for being exclusive, is “known for its selective admissions-based model and high achieving community of users,” according to its press kit.

As everyone is now forced to be quarantined, dating has shifted into unprecedented territory. As per Match’s chief dating expert Rachel DeAlto, There is no need to stop dating when we are quarantined (if we don’t want to),  but instead adapt.

“I honestly do believe that it’s an opportunity to slow down to get to know each other,” DeAlto said in an interview with Mashable. She said phone calls and chats would work to connect.

On the same concept, now other dating apps have started providing video calling services. This week, The League launched new video dating features as well as two-week free memberships. By messaging “#isoDate” in the in-app Concierge, The League will give membership for two weeks to the users. The offer is valid as long as social distancing is encouraged.

With this membership, users of the League will be able to use League Live, a video speed-dating feature. Users can go on 3 video datings of 2 minutes each. Additionally, the app launched has launched a feature where a video chat on calls is possible without sharing phone numbers. Users can also add 10-second videos to their profile.