Nasa’s woman were asked if she is a receptionist on Hinge and her reply was worth reading

Recently a news of a woman who has done the PHD in planetary science ans was in NASA as an intern got virus due to her reply on a dating app on being asked if she is a receptionist.

Lauren McKeown has recently moved to London from Ireland and was looking to have some good time and signed up on Hinge.

On her provide, she has written that she has completed her internship at NASA and on the same, a guy named Mikey commented- F*** me that’s so cool. Wait till I tell my parents.

Later, he commented “So what are you, like the receptionist? JK, you look reasonably smart.”

Lauren commented back saying- Smart enough to know at least, that judging a woman’s intelligence based on her appearance might not be the best way to initiate conversation. ”PS my mother is a primary school receptionist and is the wisest, most inspirational, and kindest person I know. So much so in fact that my PhD thesis in planetary science is dedicated to her.”

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why I’m single.” she added.

Her reply got viral and got more than 178,000 likes and praised her.

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