People who live with parents are more successful in their relationships

Most of the teenagers after hitting to a certain age start living far from their families. They live alone and manage their lives by their own which is also an important step in order to be good and independent.

They earn, manage their own expenses and do the household chores too. These things make them understand how life is and give them an exposure of life which is very important step.

And now, according to a research, people who are living with their families are more successful in their relationships.

If you ask the reason, it is because they are responsible and they do not spend their whole night out. They have their families to whom they are answerable. They do not make quick decision because there is always someone to look after them.

This research is guide by the relationship psychologist, Clare Stott and she said- Showcasing what makes you unique pays off in online dating.

“Quite often, the personal things that we leave off our profiles are the exact things that are most endearing and memorable about us

Research shows that being honest – and polarising – in dating is beneficial because the people who then like you will REALLY like you, which is better than having someone who is only half-interested in a ‘softened’ version of you.” she added.

For sure, we do believe in her research because it is all about the facts and knowledge and we all have witnessed it at some point of life.

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